
Previous Events 2019

15-17 November 2019 in Nicosia / Cyprus - The now & the future of work for women

2nd BPW Mediterranean Symposium surpasses all expectations!

The symposium united women from across the region to raise questions, discuss and debate the issues and challenges that women entrepreneurs face today. Participants and panelists came well prepared for the exchange which was both inspiring and informative. By the end of the day, the symposium had delivered positive results that all could take back home, to help us tackle the social remnants of the past and approach the future with confidence and conviction.

The Symposium closed with a memorable gala dinner that had it all: music, dance, dining and a wonderful atmosphere defined by the multicultural dimension of BPW International. Many thanks to our members, symposium delegates and friends, dignitaries and officials who shared this special evening with us.

Also, here is the full gallery:

Or watch the gallery slideshow:


17-19 October 2019 in St. Petersburg / Russia - East and West Meet in St. Petersburg

REPORT – The East and the West Meet in St. Petersburg

the 25th Anniversary, international women’s conference “The East and the West Meet in St. Petersburg” took place. At a conference there were more than 700 women from 25 countries.

The international President of BPW Amany Asfour and the Regional Coordinator of BPW Europe Pinella Bombaci attended this event. They considered questions of gender inequality, interaction with the power, a role of the woman in economy, health care, in world cooperation.


11-13 October 2019 in Poznań / Poland - Pearls of Greater Poland

REPORT – Pearls of Wielkopolska

Finally we did it!
Project of BPW POLAND “Pearls of Wielkopolska” it is a success!
14 guests from Latvia, Lithuania , Iceland & Italy took part in our project on October 11-13th, 2019.
They arrived to Poznan, the capital of our region Wielkopolska.

Based on our experience in Lamezia Club in Italy many years ago we wanted to show to our Guests the Pearls of our region.
The opening of the Project took place in historical train station in Puszczykowo. After the banquet we enjoyed there very nice nice jazz concert. Next day we visited the Art Gallery in Rogalin , Napoleon Museum in Witaszyce and Polish Rock Museum in Jarocin. Sunday we spent outside the city on the family picnic in Nekielka which is organised every year by BPW Poznan. We had a chance to listen the concert of the classical music in the old Lutheran church, as well as small recital of the president of that club – Ania Kareńska.


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